This is a pocket guide/checklist for staying connected with the Creator Allah Pak all the time in terms of obedience, compliance and conforming to His Allah Pak decrees and behaving within Hadood(boundaries) 24/7.
It is not a scholarly or theological take, yet each aspect covered, is referenced with Qur’an verses.
Prepared by Dr Qadir Bakhsh, MBE, a distinguished researcher and publisher, uses very simple language and vocabulary and noncomplex interpretations of various basic topics to reach bigger readership, comparatively young Muslims: a pocketbook small in size but rich in content, dealing with most key issues and concepts, and perhaps a reminder for those who are well informed already.
In general, great content is made simple for everyone whatever their educational levels, which is a huge plus in reaching a wider number of people.
Dr Hafiz Ather Hussain al-Azhari, an Islamic scholar, in his Foreword to the booklet states: “….this is impressive work, offering anexcellent overview of the main teachings of Islam.” He continues: “The work is an excellent guide to Islam because it gives emphasis to knowledge and practice. Islam is not theory alone, it is primarily about practice. In countless places in the Qur’an, Allah Allah Pak asks Muslims to couple faith with actions (18: 107).”
From beginning to end, this notion has been emphasised repeatedly: that how Islam can be manifested practically at each and every moment of one’s life?
This pocket guide no doubt “will help develop an Islamic conscious which will be baring God’s presence in every act we perform or any word we utter or even any thought which might cross our minds ?”
According to Dr Hussain, an Islamic scholar, the author has managed to be successful for three reasons: “Firstly, he has placed Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the heart of his thesis. No one will ever connect to Allah Almighty except through him, peace be upon him. No one will ever be a practising Muslim without adopting the Prophet’s flawless characteristics. Secondly, the author has shown an excellent understanding of the concept of worship (Ibada). Anything that brings a Muslim closer to Allah PAk and helps a person recognise His Allah Pak powers can be considered as Ibada in Islam. Thirdly, the author invites the reader to show a sense of obligation and responsibility towards fellow humans, which again stresses the importance of practice over mere theory.”
The book will be a source of inspiration for all Muslims today. May Allah accept this work and make it a means of forgiveness for the author and all those involved in the project, Ameen.
Published by Uswa-e-Hasna Institute, London, Book is available FREE of charge with the compliment of AlmustafaWelfare Trust International, by contacting: Maqsood Ahmed, OBE, Director [email protected]
Mobile No 0798 356 5112