Interpersonal Relationships: In the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah

Mannerism, Care and Just dealings

By Maqsood Ahmed, OBE

Humans are the best of Allah creations (95:4). Allah also knows that the man has been created weak and attracted to the temptation to transgress.
Therefore Allah wants to lighten his burden (4:28), by guiding every step regarding dos and don’ts i.e. Amro-Nahi.
Allah wants to lighten your burdens, for man was created weak (4:28)

Allahwishes well for His creatures; their righteousness and deliverance please Him and it is out of compassion that Allah has forbidden harmful deeds and things to human beings (4:26-33).
The believers are members of one family and they should keep peace, harmony and cordiality within the family so that they are shown says mercy. Allah
Surely the believers are none but brothers unto one another, so set things right between your brothers and have fear of Allah that you may be shown mercy (49:10).
Prophet Muhammad said:
They do not do injustice to others nor do they tolerate any injustice to themselves. In their love and concern for each other, all members of this brotherhood are one body: when any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain. (Sahih Muslim)
According to Qur’an and the Hadith, Islamic compassionate, moral, genteel, just and other standards play an important role in the harmonisation of social relations.
The effective and amicable functioning of the varied relationships guarantees and promises the effective and cordial functioning of Muslim Ummah and Islamic societies. The social structures and dealings between individuals and groups: family, friends, work colleagues, and general social networks, between Muslim individuals and society, include social rights, responsibilities and duties.

Allah has commanded these roles and obligations as have been implemented by His beloved Prophet Muhammad.
For example on the negative side, deception, cheating, lying, fraudulence or deceit are contemptible characteristics that go against the values of honesty, truthfulness, care and sincerity.
Qur’an and Sunnah have categorically forbidden such despicable behaviour for Muslim families and societies; instead, love, care, sincerity, fulfilment of promises and purity of feelings towards each other are commanded.
Adhering to the positive values and acquiring desirable characteristics by individuals, communities and societies will not produce traitors, tricksters, fraudulent or swindlers at any level ranging from beggars who beg under false pretences or rulers who betray people’s trusts and swindles their resources and above all those who transgress, break rules and regulations for unjust advantages as individuals, families, groups or systems.
Prophet Muhammad said:
There are four characteristics, whoever has all of them is a true hypocrite, and whoever has one of them has one of the qualities of a hypocrite until he gives it up: when he is trusted, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he disputes, he resorts to slander (Saheeh Al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim).
commands: Allah
1) Be a straight and upright believer. (46:13), Say good things to people (4:5, 4:8-9) Say “Peace” to the ignorant ones. (43:89), Return a greeting in a better manner (4:86), Lower your tone when you speak (31:19) and be humble (26:215).
2) Provide evidence and truth. Produce your proof if you are honest. (2:111, 21:24, 27:64, 28:75).
3) Fulfil your obligations and contracts (5:1) Fulfil your oaths, and promises, and be trustworthy to all people. (2:270, 3:76, 76:7-10) Pay back your debt, and give back what you held for others. (2:283). Do not say what you do not do (62:2).
3) Do not utter slander (60:12, 68:11) Do not be a bully! (60:8), Do not let one make fun of another, or defame one another, Do not insult by using a nickname, Do not backbite or speak ill of one another (49:11-12).
4) Forgive the faults of others. (24:22, 45:14) Blessed are those who reconcile between people (4:114).
5) Be kind to parents, relatives, wayfarers, the needy, and orphans (89:17-20, 93:9-11, 107:1-3) Take care of the Orphans. (4:3, 6:152) Be good to prisoners of war. (2:85) Free slaves (90:11-17) For the love of Allah, give help (financial) to kinsfolk, needy (17:26, 90:11-17). Do Good and ask for no Reward (38:86, 42:23)
6) Speaking good and offering forgiveness is better than giving charity and hurting or annoying people with it. (2:263-265, 3:134) It is better if you give your charity in secret to the poor (2:271)
7) Be patient and put your full trust and faith in Allah (SWT) (all the Prophets did) (38:17, 38:41-44, 74:7).

8) Do not deceive people in trade (6:152). Do not take bribes (27:36), Do not be miserly or extravagant (25:67) and do not waste (17:26).

9) Seek knowledge and education (39:9). Be in peace (2:208, 8:61).

10) Wear pious clothes when you go to the Mosque (7:31).
These are just some of the basic qualities every Muslim is enjoined to acquire and possess for peace, harmony, fairness and interpersonal relationships with all, all the time.

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