Humanity is everything Says Dr Mevlit Yurtseven

AID & “Al Mustasfa Welfare Trust”

Having fraternal relation and we are working together for needy peoples in various projects

A Sajid / Wajahat Ali Khan

Dr Mevlit YURTSEVEN is a leading, well known & specialist medical doctor (MBBS) who has spent almost twenty years in this department. “Aims international” interviewed him in Istanbul TURKEY last December, in which he said that I spent the first ten year of my profession volunteering and the next ten year as a professionally. Dr Mevlit said he is still managing the hospital but just as voluntary.
Now-a-days Dr Mevlit is attached with the “Alliance of International doctors” (AID) which is a World Doctors Alliance of International Doctors (AID, is an organization established by a group of volunteer doctors, pharmacists, dentists, and nurses in Istanbul in 2011, and Dr Mevlit has been the chairman of this organization since its inception. The organization is a part of Humanitarian relief foundation, which has been working since 1992 with the purpose to deliver aid to all people who are in need, who had a catastrophe, who are victims of war, natural disaster, etc. or wounded, crippled, starved, homeless and persecuted thereof, wherever they are regardless of their religion, language, race or sect and to prevent the violation of the basic human rights and freedoms of those people. Our voluntary relief activities have evolved to an official organization in 1995 and spread around five continents as it established a bridge of goodwill stretching from Turkey to 123 countries.
Dr Mevilt told “Aims” that we gives priority to the following in its relief operations:
Warzone or war-torn countries and territories
Regions struck by natural disasters
Poverty-stricken countries and territories

To give all needy and oppressed people the chance of a dignified life while delivering aid wherever they are with an understanding of universal brotherhood to help prevent evil and to let the good and justice prevail
To work toward stopping the policies and activities persecuting and discriminating people to prevent violations of their basic rights and freedoms
To keep up practicing unchanging values in a changing world
To let the good will rule everywhere.

To eliminate the negative effects of wars and natural disasters and to create the circumstances that will allow the individuals and the communities become self-dependent.
To pioneer the humanitarian work globally and improve the cooperation between the countries and the organizations to pave the way to the formation of a common consciousness.
To strengthen the individuals and the organizations in impoverished communities.
To reach out to the regions of crisis immediately to efficiently minimize the damage as much as possible.
To offer permanent solutions by realizing permanent project.
To contribute to the elimination of poverty and establishment of justice.
Dr Mevlit was talking about “Al Mustafa Welfare Trust” that we are working with AMWT because of fraternal relations for cataract surgery programme in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other countries, and we will expand this programme to other countries as well. He said our focus is health and help. As AID is a big charity in Turkey that’s why we are extending our cataract programme to more and more countries and we will start this from January 2022. He stated we are under process to start a unique relief programme which named as “Emergency medical treatment” (EMT) and we are pleased the “World health organization” (WHO) is cooperation with us. Answering a question he said, the Turkish government does not help us financially, but it does help in many administrative matters, he said we do believe that humanity is everything. Dr Mevlit said Pakistan is a beautiful country, people are so nice, I have been there many times in Karachi, Hyderabad and Islamabad, but there is a lot of rush. He also said that “Al Mustafa Welfare Trust” is a good charity and we plan to do some more humanitarian project with this this charity.
Alliance of International Doctors (AID) is an organization established by a group of volunteer doctors, pharmacists, dentists, and nurses in Istanbul in 2011. AID provides medical assistance to the people in the regions affected by disasters and poverty. The president of the organization is Dr. Mevlit Yurtseven.

Emergency Medical Relief
AID delivers medicine and hygiene items and deploys medical teams to the regions affected by natural disasters, war and violence. AID medical teams provided primary health care to the 2015 earthquake victims in Nepal. AID worked in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan as well as in the camps for internally displaced persons in Arakan, Myanmar in 2013. AID sent a surgical team to Gaza during the attack in 2012. AID has been conducting health screenings, hygiene kit distribution and vaccinations for the Syrians affected by the Syrian Civil War. AID provided primary health care to the Syrian refugees from Kobane following the mass influx in September 2014.

Permanent and Preventive Health Services
AID provided primary health care to Somali refugees in Kenya’s Dadaab Refugee Camp between August 2011 and July 2012. AID volunteers implemented mosquito net distribution projects in Kenya and Uganda for malaria prevention and established a mother-and-child health center in Uganda.AID carried out circumcision projects in some of the Balkan countries, Tunisia, and Bangladesh for orphans and underprivileged children.

Eye examination taken before cataract operation
AID collaborates with the Islamic Development Bank, Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency, and Niger Ministry of Health for a cataract project in Niamey, Niger. An ophthalmology department has been established at Lamorde Hospital of AbdouMoumouni University for the project, which targets to perform 30,000 free-of-charge cataract surgeries in five years and to transfer skills to the local personnel. AID is responsible for the human resources and for providing and maintaining the medical equipment and consumables. AID will collaborate with other organizations working on prevention of blindness during the project. The department will be handed over to the Niger authorities in 2019.

Health Education
Practical training for disasters and emergencies
AID is providing health education services in coordination with local organizations in different regions.
Psychological Rehabilitation

AID conducts psychological support programs to help the victims of natural disasters and wars as well as orphans and their families cope with the trauma and the loss they had experienced, and to reduce the negative impacts of these experiences on them. AID is providing psychosocial support to Syrian refugee women and children in Istanbul including psychotherapy since 2014.

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