Tajammul Gurmani
Al Mustafa has started work in USA, its’ our fourth destination, for the humanitarian work in worldwide, previously we are already a registered charitable trust in UK, Pakistan and Canada, while relief work of Al Mustafa spread over more than 22 countries in world. Al Mustafa established when worthy Chairman Abdul Razzaq Sajid and CEO Rizwana Latif made his first visit in December 2018. In a very short time, we have registered in New York (NY) and Virginia (VA), and hope will get registration in other 48 states very soon. Muhammad Usman Noori, former member Parliament in Pakistan and well known religious scholar in USA, unanimously selected chair of the trustees, our head office set up in New York and recently another office established in Washington DC. We are working under the title of “Al Mustafa Relief Aid” and our trade mark is “Al Mustafa USA”. International Revenue Service announced to exempt Al Mustafa exempt from federal income tax and we are qualified to receive tax deduct able bequests, devises, transfers. Earlier, New York state also issued the certificate of filling and declared that Al Mustafa Relief Aid USA, may exercise all of power conferred by the not for profitable corporation according to the law of the state of New York on Jan 2019. After fulfil all legal requirements, Al Mustafa is working with full swing.
Al Mustafa USA, relief network spread over Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Lebanon, Turkey and many other countries of the world. We are committed to operate the cataract surgeries, providing free medical treatment, lifesaving drugs, food, clean and fresh drinking water, education among poor and needy people and contribute in emergency and natural disaster through our relief missions. Our name “Al Mustafa” was chosen over the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and we are committed to spread the love, mercy and highlight services of Prophet Muhammad, Our mission to deliver emergency aid, sustainable solutions to poverty and empowering under privileged people. Al Mustafa USA will deliver the following projects:
Prevention and cure of blindness, Over2.2 billion people are suffering with blindness, around the world, we can prevent and cure 75 percent all of them to provide the eye health facilities and change their lives. We are working worldwide to gift of eye sight among those communities who can’t afford the eye treatment. We are providing eye sight to perform the cataract surgeries, free eye check-up, providing free glasses, medicine, lab tests in our eye hospitals. We set up free eye camps in those areas where eye health facilities and doctors are not available. We set up free eye camps in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Palestine, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia and other countries round the year. The local community, specially mosques. Islamic Centres and individuals show great interest in eye camps in their origin areas like Murree, Jhelum, Bahawalnagar, Kotli in Kashmir and other parts in Pakistan. These eye camps will set up when our donors will visit and present in Pakistan and Kashmir. They wish to serve their local people and physically participate in eye camps activities. Al Mustafa will distribute free glasses, medicine, eye sight check-up under the supervision of qualified opthlalmologist. These eye camps set up from September to December and February to December on every year. You can provide a gift of sight just to donate $65 for one cataract surgery, $ 130 for two surgeries, $650 for 10 surgeries and $2000 for one day free eye camp
Feed the people: Al Mustafa is providing the food package among widows, orphans and poor families. We are sponsoring a free kitchen in Lahore, Pakistan, where more than 500 people take free lunch and dinner six days a week and free iftar in Ramadan. We are also distributing cooked food in emergency in disaster, like recently earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Al Mustafa giving free food items on every month at their door step. You can contribute only $ 65 to provide food pack for a family for a whole month, we give floor, cooking oil, been, rice, tea, sugar, dates and other cooking items under this project.
Clean Water Project: According to an estimate 785 million people are living without clean and safe drinking water, and forced to drink contaminated water. We provide the clean drinking water across different countries like Pakistan to install hand pumps, electric pumps, solar community water well and water filtration plants. You can contribute $300 to install a hand pump for a family.
Orphan Care Project: We are helping the orphan children through give them free education, food, books, cloths, shelter under our orphan sponsorship project, We established an orphanage home” My Home” in Karachi, Pakistan, where orphan children getting free residence, education, cloth, medical and other facilities. If you like to sponsor an orphan child, you can donate $540 for one child for one month.
Sponsor a Hafiz, you can transform the life of a Muslim child forever to sponsor a child under Hafiz sponsor programme, this is a Sadaqah Jariyah, you can sponsor one hafiz for three years just to donate $660 for three years.
Emergency and Disaster Relief, Natural hazards including, earthquake, flood, avalanche, cold wave, drought, harsh winter, typhoon affects more than 160 million people in world, we provided emergency aid, food, medical facilities, lifesaving drugs, drinking water and other relief items in Turkey and Syria earthquake and in Pakistan flood recently, you can donate $65 toward Turkey and Syria earthquake.
Our other projects are hospital, build a school, Pakistan Rebuild, Yemen, Palestine, Waqfiyyat Al Mustafa, Freedom Campaign for kiln workers and other more, to give donation you can visit our website, www.almustafausa.org, Phone 1-703 596 4900, toll free number 1 888 637 7778, for bank transfer, Name Al Mustafa Relief Aid, Bank Chase Bank, Account 6591 7132 3, Routing 0210 0002 1.